Schedule of Events

* Events and times subject to change.

DateStart TimeDurationEventLocation
6/28/243:00 PM3:00pm - 9:30pmLPA Registration Dover ABC
6/28/243:30 PM3:30pm - 4:30pmCITM Meet and Greet Harborside A and B
6/28/244:00 PM4:00pm - 8:00pmDAAA Registration4th floor Convention Space
6/28/245:00 PM5:00pm - 8:00pmLPA Concierge3rd floor Convention Space
6/28/247:00 PM7:00pm - 8:00pmVolunteer Training and Sign upAtlantic
6/28/249:00 PM9:00pm - 1:00amDanceGrand Ballroom Salons 5 and 6