Our Sponsors
LPA would like to say THANK YOU to all the sponsors who helped make the 2024 Baltimore conference our best yet!

And additional thanks to: Craig McCulloh, Fran Winston & Family, Greg Lawrence, LPA Garden State Chapter, Michael Petruzzelli, and the Norman-Nichols Household.
Our Volunteers
LPA would like to say THANK YOU to all of our volunteers who devoted countless hours to making our time in Baltimore a huge success!
Here is the list of our Conference Committee Chairs, but there were many more volunteers behind the scenes that made the week possible, and we appreciate all of you!
- Ally O’Neill
- Amy Simon
- Bailey O’Connell
- Cherylle Mallinson
- Chris O’Neill
- Colleen Gioffreda
- Dan Hamill
- Drew Ellis
- Greg Lawrence
- Hailey Korpai
- Harold Weaver
- Jamie O’Meara
- Jennifer Crumly
- Jennifer Edwards
- Jim Kay
- Jimmy Korpai
- John Tassone
- Jon Morato
- Joy Stilen
- Katharine Cartwright
- Keaton Povinelli
- Kelly Lee
- Lauren Humphries
- Lou Ann McKay
- Madison Ehler
- Margaret Drew
- Mary O’Neill
- Michael Petruzzelli
- Michelle Kraus
- Mike Mallinson
- Nicole Nastasi
- Rebecca Fava
- Ryan Gioffreda
- Sandy Taylor
- Sarah Little
- Sha Jameson
- Sheryl Hankins

More information about San Diego coming soon!